Jack – 8 Years Old – Anxiety
Jack is doing well, no nail biting (picking them at times I think) but generally we have white nails for the first time in years. Generally in himself he is much, much happier, school seems to be going better in that his self esteem seems much better. His rugby has improved so much in the past two weeks that the coaches asked David and I separately what we had done to Jack!
Many thanks for your help.
D – 10 Years Old – Anxiety
I went to see Anne because I would get really worried about going to stay away from my mum and dad. I would feel so nervous that I would be sick. Anne was very friendly and I was able to talk to her about how I felt. After the hypnosis I feel more confident and less worried about everything. It has really helped me.
Miss OP – 11 Years Old – Emetophobia – Fear of Being Sick
“Hi Anne,
My daughter continues to improve and feels lots better, I think its true to say that at the moment it is just not an issue for her so I can’t thank you enough.
She has done a little testimonial in her own words which she is happy for you to put on your website.
“I went to see Anne because I was worried about being sick, and other people being sick. It was starting to affect me at school and it was getting worse. I had two sessions with Anne who used the Blowaway technique. I did not know what to expect but after the first session I felt a bit better. I continued to improve over the next 3 weeks, and i was much more relaxed. I went to see Anne again for a second session. I now feels loads better and am really looking forward to my new school. Thank you Anne”
Lisa – Anxiety & Stomach Aches
“I am 13 and have had tummy aches for over 4 years. I have been to plenty of doctors to try and find the reasons why I get them and I have undergone many unpleasant tests in hospital. However, after every test and every check up the doctors told me that there is nothing wrong with me and therefore I do not get tummy aches when I know that I do.
I got a recommendation to start hypnotherapy and found Anne on the internet. Before I came to Anne I was not sure that hypnotherapy would be for me, but I was prepared to try anything to help my tummy. After my first session of hypnotherapy I felt a bit better. In the next session Anne and I did something called the Dream technique. Since then I have not had a tummy ache and I have not taken off a day of school.
Anne has really helped me think positively to overcome my pain and I am very grateful to her.”
*Results vary from person to person and depends on the amount of effort put in by individuals.