Stop smoking easily in just 1 hour at Pinner Hypnotherapy using hypnosis. Anne is trained by Europe’s top Anti-smoking Hypnotist and Hypnotherapist, using a method which has helped over 5000 smokers. It uses a combination of suggestion therapy, visualisation and positive thinking to make stopping smoking as easy as possible.
Over 95% of the 5000 (verified success rate) smokers treated have been helped to quit, and they gave up easily after just one session.
Smoking Cessation – “Simply…..A huge thank you”
Hi Anne, sorry for the delay in writing back to say thanks. To summarise, I had been smoking for in total 31 years, and up to 30/40 per day. I had started suffering from more and more Chest infections, one of these scared the living daylights out of me! Hence the appointment. I was recommended to you.
Your preliminary assessment and chat proved to me that I was in the right place. I came to you with an idea that my motivation to stop smoking was, “my inability to do what I wanted with my body”. Your questionnaire and subsequent analytical process enabled me to understand that the true reason for stopping smoking was actually my two children and stopping might enable me to live longer and see them develop their lives. That was quite an eye opener to me.
The session seemed to go quite well. I did comment to you that I did not think I would respond to the music as well as voice in the headset. However I bow to a greater knowledge and a true Professional. After only ONE session, I have now been cigarette free for 15 months which equates to a saving of around (using an average cost of £6.90) £6,375.60. Try getting that return on an equivalent investment. You rock!
Anne thank you so much, for me the process you apply in diagnostics pinpoints the key area that needs to re inforced or addressed. Then you ensure it is applied correctly.
Thanks, Dave
Following a large-scale study in the United States into stopping smoking, assessing techniques such as will-power, nicotine patches, positive thinking, placebos, chewing gum etc. the conclusion was that:
“Most techniques turned out to be hopeless, Hypnosis however came out as the most effective anti-smoking technique.”
In my experience, people find it difficult to give up smoking because they feel no immediate or tangible reason for doing so: they get no reward. They don't instantly feel richer, healthier or happier so the motivation to stop declines rapidly. Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation is so successful, because you do receive immediate rewards for your efforts.
You feel an intense sense of pride and satisfaction, you receive an immediate boost to your willpower. You gain a huge amount of confidence in your ability to remain a non smoker.
Another reason why people think it is difficult to give up smoking is because they think they are addicted to it or are under the control of nicotine. I will prove to you that this is NOT the case and hence give you back your control and power.
Ask yourself this:
If you received a fantastic sense of well-being, calmness, pride and satisfaction every time you got yourself in a situation where you used to have a cigarette, why would you EVER want or need to smoke again ?
Smoking cessation through Pinner Hypnotherapy is so effective as it helps you to understand the reasons why people smoke, and why attempts to stop smoking are unsuccessful which will help you to change your belief systems.
Non-smokers do not desire cigarettes or even think about smoking. You didn't smoke at some point in your life, you were a healthy non-smoker in the past, I can help you become that person again.
What Happens in the Hypnotherapy Smoking Cessation Session?
The actual session lasts about one hour – a forty minute ‘talky bit’, followed by a 20 minute hypnosis session. During the ‘talky bit’ your belief system will be challenged (the way you think and feel about smoking); you will be very surprised when you realise how easy it is to stop smoking.
I will then use hypnosis for the final part of the session where you will find yourself feeling relaxed, calm and confident that you are a non-smoker and you will not need to substitute anything for your old need to smoke. I will gently and effectively give your subconscious a boost with positive suggestions.
- You'll feel an enormous increase to your levels of willpower
- You'll feel more relaxed in everyday life
- You'll feel confident in yourself; regain control
- You'll feel a huge sense of achievement and pride as a non-smoker
- You'll feel healthier and happier as a non-smoker
To book an ‘Easy Smoking Cessation’ with Anne at Pinner Hypnotherapy, please call now, on 07809 204 613.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Will I be ‘under’, or ‘out of control’ during the session?
A. No. You will be relaxed, in a very light state of hypnosis…..fully alert and fully in control at all times. You can speak, move, open your eyes or do anything else you would like to do…. you DO NOT have to be in a ‘stage hypnosis’ type of trance – just a very light, relaxed state.
Q. Why is your success rate SO MUCH HIGHER than most other therapists?
A. A number of reasons really:
I run the session very differently to most other suggestion-only hypnotherapists and focus on very different topics
I help the client to change their BELIEF SYSTEM – to that of a NON-SMOKER… and as a non-smoker, it is very easy to stop smoking.
Most importantly of all, I don’t approach stopping smoking from the same view point as ‘normal’ hypnotherapists.. we are psychotherapist hypnotherapists by profession, and have taken many thousands of people through ‘therapy’. Taking people through therapy gives (the therapist) tremendous insight into WHY we have habits, phobias and other symptoms.
Q. Do you offer any sort of ‘Guarantees’, or ‘money back if it doesn’t work’?
A. No, I don’t offer any guarantees – and no professional therapist should. YOU need to accept some responsibility for YOUR smoking habit, and YOU need to put some effort in if you want to stop – nobody can do it for you. I will help you a great deal, but I cannot do it for you.
There is NO MAGIC to hypnosis or hypnotherapy – it can HELP you to achieve many things in life, but none of these things can be guaranteed, because it depends on how much effort YOU, the client, puts in. Where hypnotherapists do offer ‘money back guarantees’ or ‘free back up sessions’, they are being unethical, unprofessional and not helping you at all.
Q. Why do you, and other hypnotherapists, charge so much more for a smoking cessation session, than other symptoms you treat?
A. An ‘Easy Smoking Cessation’ session, the way I do them, is the most involved type of hypnotherapy session that we run. It involves far more time, preparation, effort, skill, experience, character-assessment, insight and general hard-work, than any other symptom or condition that we treat. That is why it costs more. If you don’t think stopping smoking would be worth £250 to you, then please read no further, for you are wasting your time!
Q. What happens if I stop smoking, but start again in six months time?
A. This is very unlikely to happen: when I help people to stop smoking, I help them to change their belief system about smoking as well, which means they become ‘non smokers' not 'ex-smokers'. If you did go back to smoking, there would likely have been some big emotional trauma that precipitated it. In this situation, we would speak with you about whether it was sensible to have another session.
Q. Is every smoker suitable for this treatment?
A. Yes, unless they have a history of psychoses.
Q. Will I need gum, patches. placebos, Zyban or anything else to help me?
A. No. Nothing.
Q. I have been to another hypnotherapist before and it didn’t work – would it still be worth it coming to see you?
A. Yes, the techniques we learned are TOTALLY different to most other approaches to smoking cessation.
Q. Why do you insist on clients paying cash for smoking cessation?
A. Part of the reason you will stop when you come and see me, is because you will have a tangible reason to stop. A lot of emphasis is placed upon what is tangible and not tangible. A cheque, or a credit card slip, is not tangible, and might affect your commitment; cash is tangible, it is real… this helps to focus your attention
Q. Do I need to put in any effort?
A. Yes you do. There is NO MAGIC to hypnosis – it is an AID to you, it will HELP YOU, but it WILL NOT do it for you. You need to pay attention during the session, you need to be honest during the session, and you need to put some effort into the session. We have a SUPERB success rate – but you do need to put some effort in.
*Results vary from person to person and depends on the amount of effort put in by individuals.