Ongoing Training and Continuing Professional Developments Courses Anne has attended
Advanced Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy
Seminars and residential training courses attended include:
'Thrive' Changing Limited Belief Systems - Advanced Level
- Easy Smoking Cessation
- Effectively Assessing, Engaging and Motivating Clients
- Understanding and Helping Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Rape
- Hypnosis Suggestion and Influence
- Relaxed Childbirth Therapy
- Hypno-analytical Techniques and Successful Free Association - Advanced Level
- Secrets of Successful Hypno-analysis
- Successfully Treating Childrens Problems with Blowaway Technique
- Forensic and Investigative Hypnosis
- Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication for Professionals
- Lynda Hudson's Children's Therapy
- CRB check completed to work with children and vulnerable adults
Members of the IAPH must achieve a sufficient level of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to ensure existing skills and techniques are updated. CPD takes the form of advanced training and research in the fields of hypnosis, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and related areas. All of the above courses are updated regularly and Anne attends each one on an annual basis.
*Results vary from person to person and depends on the amount of effort put in by individuals.