Client Testimonials – For Pinner & Northwood Hypnotherapist, Anne Costelloe
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Lorraine’s Hypno-band Story
When Lorraine came to see me for the initial consultation, I could see that she was desperate and very motivated to lose weight, as she was extremely worried about her health. I was concerned with her very unhealthy eating habits, and what also appeared to be a ‘healthy food phobia’. I explained that she needed to change her thought processes and challenge her way of thinking when it came to food and her behaviour in her life if she wanted long-term success.
Lorraine was a delight to work with and was fully committed to the programme, hence the dramatic results she achieved in such a short space of time.
Hi Anne,
I just want to say a BIG thank you for changing my life!! After years of diets and yo yo weigh ins I found myself at my biggest ever 24 stone not only did I look gross but I could barely walk and don’t get me started on trying to wipe my arse!!!! All my joints were crying in pain. I needed help! All the diets in all the world failed! So I started looking into gastric band/bypass surgery it all looked scary and expensive sounded drastic but I was at the end of the road. I was eating myself to an early grave. I looked at so many web sites but there was one thing bugging me, the surgery would solve the physical problem but what about the mental side of it!!!
Not only did my tummy tell me to eat all the time, but my head was totally on the wrong path. over the years I have inherited way too many bad habits (i.e ‘I’ll diet tomorrow so I better eat everything today!’) and as for what I ate? well, I didn’t do healthy, never had! I hated veg except potatoes. I if it was green it stayed off my plate. No salad except the odd slice of cucumber! No onions and no sauces of any kind. As for fruit I avoided it where ever possible! I only drunk diet coke/pepsi max! water? god no never, thats not for drinking thats for washing in! There was never a day I didn’t munch my way through lbs of chocolate bars (normally I would obsess on one type at a time i.e I’d eat bags of maltesers for weeks on end then I’d go off them and obsess on something else! (family sized of course!)
This is when i found your web site, the Hypno-band, No operation but all the benefits. That looked interesting. I rang you for details and the rest as they say is history!!
My first appointment, I was nervous but excited totally unsure what to expect! Shouldn’t have worried Anne cos you were lovely you made me feel very relaxed. We talked about all my terrible bad habits and triggers that sent me into binging mode. Then about behaviour therapy and controlling the triggers that cause stress. By the end of the session you agreed the Hypno-band was the right therapy for me, you gave me a file to read and forms so I could moniter what and when I eat and why!!!
Session 2 I took my file with me and my food diary, that made some shocking reading!! I think you were mortified to see just how bad my diet was. Mind you so was I! I had my first Hypno-therapy session on behaviour about food and managing stress. It was so sereal, I was aware of everything going on but your voice directed my feelings. It was strange but also refreshing. The following weeks I found my eating habits changing for the better. I was eating fruit not chocolate! I was trying different salads and even trying out veg!! It was bazar not only was I eating this stuff but I was actually enjoying it!!
Session 3 I weighed myself before seeing you and I’d lost 7lb and was well pleased. I didn’t count calories I just found my attitude to food changing and seemed to be combating my phobia of the healthy stuff. I remember you were impressed! Mind you so was all my friends and family. You told me I would be having my ‘operation’ next time. As you talked me through about how I needed to be nil by mouth for six hours before and that I needed to take it easy for the first few days afterwards, I felt like saying, shut up! it’s not real but then I realised in my mind it was going to be very real! My brain will believe the operation has taken place.
I weighed the day before my operation I’d lost another 11lb so that was 18lb loss in total and I was eating healthy, no fizzy drinks for weeks, no chocolates for even longer! I couldn’t believe what I was eating and that I was loving it! Everything changed, I was shopping down isles I’d never walked down before!!
Session 4 Operation day. I was so nervous all day I didn’t eat after 12 I just sipped water. The operation was so sereal I felt like I was being wheeled through the corridors down to theatre and all the hospital sounds were in the background it sounded like I was there, it was amazing, I could hear the bleeping of the machines. Afterwards my tummy felt tight and once I got home I ate what I thought was a small meal!! Apparently not so small cos I felt bloated and sick like I ate way too much!! strange.
Last session time to say goodbye. But I leave with the tools you have given me to lead a normal healthy life, I have a long way to go before I’m at a ‘healthy’ weight but I feel confident I WILL do it!
I now weigh 21st 2lb and my start weight was 23st 10lb so that’s a total loss of 36lb. I’m well happy and loving it. I’m not dieting what I AM doing is eating like a ‘normal’ person having ‘normal’ portion sizes this is how I intend to eat for the rest of my life.
To prove how amazing the Hypno-band works this was a TYPICAL EXAMPLE OF WHAT I ATE BEFORE THE HYPNO-BAND
- REAKFAST – Wild bean cafe Latte with 5 sugars and 1 cheese and bacon muffin
- MID – MORNING SNACK – 4 Greggs choc chip cookies
- LUNCH – Greggs cheese and ham bagette, 2pks crisps
- MID – AFTERNOON SNACK – Large pk Galaxy counters
- TEA – Mega mix kebab with mayonnaise and large chips
- EVENING SNACK – Large pk Galaxy counters
for real!!!!
- BREAKFAST – Costa skinny latte with sweeteners, 1 banana
- MID – MORNING SNACK – 1 pot Activia low fat vanilla yogurt
- LUNCH – M & S egg and ham salad
- MID – AFTERNOON SNACK – mixed fruit salad
- TEA – Spinach and chicken wholewheat pasta with cheese
- EVENING SNACK – Muller rice
- also about 5 butter mints throughout the day
I kid you not!!!
Thanks Anne for EVERYTHING
Lisa, Uxbridge – Hypnoband
Well after 8 months since my first appointment with you I am pleased to advise it has worked! I am now a comfortable and confident size 12 [from size 16]. I feel good about my achievement but couldn’t have done it without you, thank you! Will certainly continue to recommend you to others!
Debie, Ruislip – Hypnoband for weight loss
September 2012 – Debie lost 1 stone in 8 weeks during the hypnoband treatment. She has sent the following followups to show her continued weight loss.
December 2012
Hi Anne, Hope you’re ok. All ready for Christmas? I’ve lost another 7lbs. So my Boots official weight is 13st 1 lb / 83.2kgs.
Have a Happy Christmas and New Year. Blessings to you and your family. I’ll drop a another note after Christmas.
January 2013
Happy New Year! I hope and your family had a great Christmas. Ours was brilliant.
I’ve lost another 3.5 kgs (7.7 lbs). My weight is now 79.7 kgs (12.5 stone), so that’s over half way now. I’m well chuffed!
March 2013
I hope you’re ok. Progress has been slow but I’m a good size 16 now. 3 dress sizes down from when we first met and I’m starting to feel the benefits now. I’ve lost another 3.7 kgs so I’m 76 kgs (12st). Next goal is another stone and a size 14.
July 2013
Remember me! Hope you’re ok and you’re enjoying the fantastic weather. Finally lost another half stone so I’m now 72.8. It’s been painfully slow but I’m still going and aiming for 68kgs. It’s been a bit of a mental and physical battle letting go of my comfort zone size 16 but I’m now in size 14 and I’ll keep going.
You have a great summer and I’ll drop you another note when I reach the next goal of 68kgs.
Take Care
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*Results vary from person to person and depends on the amount of effort put in by individuals.