This is life changing.
I am a 50+ year old professional who, following the usual redundancy/career change crisis found myself landing a good job but needing to do lots of presentations – something I had always meticulously avoided having been terrified of public speaking since my school days.
I consulted Anne and had one hypnotherapy session following which I immediately lost 80% of my fear and found myself, whilst still experiencing a degree of nerves before presenting, able to manage them and actually enjoying the presentational work I had previously been dreading. It is no exaggeration to say this probably meant I kept that job! (I now have no fear having proved to myself I can do it several times).
Anne then recommended I did the Thrive course having identified the main cause of my lack of confidence as being social anxiety – something that surprised me to be honest.
I agreed albeit I was sceptical. I was wrong. I learnt so much about myself: – the way I thought and processed things; the bottled up anger; the anxiety; the lack of self esteem…the list goes on.
The Thrive course is more than just a self-help book. It is a therapy that, providing you are prepared to take a hard look at yourself and try to change things (Anne guides you through how to do this with practical simple exercises), changes your whole view of life.
It can’t and therefore won’t make everything in your life suddenly better or wonderful, but it will give you the tools to deal with the inevitable knocks and setbacks and allow you to always move forward positively.
In a couple of months I changed from feeling depressive, anxious and sad to feeling confident, good about myself and being more successful. If there is one word that describes what the course achieves, it must be “empowerment”.
If you are reading this wondering whether or not you could/should try something like this then, by definition, you do need to. I would have wished you good luck before doing the course but, as I now realise, there is no such thing as luck and as we are in control of what happens next, I will just say “do it”.