“Hello Anne, I wish to thank you for the proven results your sessions gave me for my anxiety attacks. My wife and I were regular tourists travelling to such places as Florida, Europe and South Africa.. However over the last four years I started to get panic attacks once the aeroplane had landed and passengers stood in the aisle. I was also getting claustrophobic on the underground trains and in lifts. Our holidays abroad stopped because I was frightened of loosing it! My understanding wife suggested I sought advice as she desperately wanted to fly to surprise a member of her family with me. I took courage and found your advertisement on the Web. Not once did you make light of my very real problem. You gave reassurance, advice, information and guidance.
It worked. I FLEW. Not only that but on the way home by Tube the doors on the train were a long time opening, so long in fact that previously I would have been very agitated and starting to panic. NO PROBLEM. Only yesterday at the local hospital the small lift I was in, its door were also very slow to open. Again NO PROBLEM. Thank you.”