Hi Anne
We are all good thank you, and dare I say, India continues to improve!! She is now normally asleep when we go up to bed, which was unheard of before!! Consequently we are all much more relaxed about bedtime and Kyle and I no longer feel under pressure to go to bed just so that she will go to sleep!! We have also noticed changes in other areas, especially one that India mentioned herself last night….she was revising last night for two exams today, Geography and Science and she just suddenly said ‘ do you know Mum, I don’t feel at all anxious about tests and exams anymore, that must be because I went to see Anne!!’ So Anne we cannot thank you enough for what you did for our whole family and especially India!!
And a few words from India herself:
I just wanted to tell you that I am feeling much better now and I think your treatment has really helped me! I don’t feel as anxious as I used to about going to bed. This means I am getting more sleep at night and am feeling much better in the morning and especially at school. Mum has probably told you that I had a little blip last Tuesday, which was because Mum went out with her friends and as I’ve told you in one of my appointments I feel better about going to bed and to sleep when both my mum and dad are here at home! But that is the only blip I have had in the last three weeks, which makes me feel good because I know that I have done really well and in return Mum and Dad will do something nice for me back!
It’s been really nice and helpful coming to see you.