I came to Anne as an emotional mess suffering with several symptoms including depression, anxiety and over-eating. My therapy sessions released a repression so deep within me I had no idea it was there and since that euphoric moment of release, my life has completely changed! A huge and upsetting issue for me before I began my therapy was that I could not lose weight. I would try, fail, gain more weight and the cycle would start again. Since I completed my therapy, I have been losing weight in a healthy way and my relationship with food (and alcohol) has completely changed… But that’s not all!! My relationship with my boyfriend has got so much stronger since I completed my therapy and we will be moving in together very soon. I used to be so fearful of confrontations, whereas now I welcome them. I’m not afraid of anyone’s words anymore. I am even studying for a career in a profession I have wanted since I was 16 but was too afraid to work for. Some parts of my life will take me a little longer to change but I’m working on them and enjoying the challenge… I’m no longer “putting up with” my life, I’m living it. I could never thank you enough Anne, you gave me my true self. I would recommend the therapy you offer 100 times over and wish you every success in the future.