“I am 13 and have had tummy aches for over 4 years. I have been to plenty of doctors to try and find the reasons why I get them and I have undergone many unpleasant tests in hospital. However, after every test and every check up the doctors told me that there is nothing wrong with me and therefore I do not get tummy aches when I know that I do.
I got a recommendation to start hypnotherapy and found Anne on the internet. Before I came to Anne I was not sure that hypnotherapy would be for me, but I was prepared to try anything to help my tummy. After my first session of hypnotherapy I felt a bit better. In the next session Anne and I did something called the Dream technique. Since then I have not had a tummy ache and I have not taken off a day of school.
Anne has really helped me think positively to overcome my pain and I am very grateful to her.”