From the onset of my therapy I had many doubts. I had lived all my life in a shell, hiding from many insecurities and dealing with all my problems in the same way; which was to ‘hide’ behind a mask of pretense. Due to a change in my personal life, I decided to go for therapy. Anne was highly recommended to me. Anne was a wonderful therapist from the start, kind, calm but firm when she needed to be.
I found myself able to relax and really trust a person for the first time in my life. While undergoing therapy, I discovered the bottled up emotions which contributed to my insecurities. I had blocked this from my memory totally and had never faced up to my past. With this discovery, I have been able to release my inner fears and become stronger as a person, allowing myself to free myself of the guilt and shame that I had carried all my life unknowingly. I went to Anne as a confused, insecure and deeply unhappy person and have left therapy as a ‘new’ person. I feel so much stronger and happier in myself.
I would like to thank Anne from the bottom of my heart.